It’s your right to have honest and respectful dates!
Every dater has the right to honest, respectful, and meaningful dates.
Adopt the Bill of Rights, and then ask your perspective dates to adopt the rules before the first date. In doing so, you’ll establish the ground rules before dating commences.
Don’t worry about asking your perspective dates to sign. If they don’t agree with you on the essential basics, then you don’t want to waste your time meeting them!
You can use this Bill of Rights to narrow your dating pool to those who agree with your perspectives and beliefs, and that’s a great first step towards finding the person who is your forever love.
The Dater’s Bill of Rights
Every dater has the right be treated with dignity, respect, and honesty by their fellow daters.
It is the right of a dater to decline to date, or discontinue to date, any person, for any reason, at any time. The reason for such a decision need be no more than “I feel that we are not the right match and that there is someone better out there for both of us.” The presentation of this message, and any reply, must be made with dignity, respect, and honesty as stated in Right #1.
Daters agree to be honest and forthright in their interactions. They agree to provide accurate information regarding relationship status, age, expectations and goals, and any other pertinent commitment-related information.
All daters have the right to experience a dating style that meets with their expectations and desires. Daters who like to flirt should date others who like to flirt. Daters who prefer deep, authentic connection should only date those who feel likewise. Therefore, it is both a dater’s right and responsibility to ascertain whether their dating styles are aligned before dating commences.
It is the right and responsibility of every dater to fully declare their ultimate desired end goal of the dating process – whether that is just dating, a committed long-term relationship, or anything between. Such a declaration should be made within an online profile, and if not, must be stated in full upon request. Any discussions must be undertaken with dignity, respect and honesty, as required by Right #1.
By selecting the checkbox below and entering my first name and email, I hereby adopt, and promise to abide by, the Dater’s Bill of Rights.
I agree to date by these rules