on a mission!
Let the Lovalution begin!

on a mission
on a mission
Game-changers on a mission
Finding love — choosing who to love — is one of the most important decisions you will make in your life. It’s a choice which affects your life every day.
And yet, even in the face of that incontestable fact, singles know so little about where love comes from or how to find it. Even worse, the common wisdom that they are implored to follow rarely leads to finding someone with whom they will have lasting love and true happiness.
We are here to change all of that.
Who Are Troy and Judy?
In July 2010, Troy and Judy walked into a restaurant and, somewhere between the wine and desert, they discovered that they already knew each other deeply, like two old friends that had never met before.
Their connection was clear and deep — so much so that Judy knew she was going to marry Troy, even though, at 48 years-old, she had never considered marrying anyone before!
They were blown away! Even though both had previous experience with love, they knew this love was very different – easy, totally fulfilling, deep, and extraordinarily connected. This was love way beyond the norm. It was love on the next level.
And it’s stayed that way every day they’ve been together.
Troy spent his career in Silicon Valley as an innovator, inventor, patent holder, educator and consultant with a deep expertice in pattern recognition, conceiving systems, and creative problem solving within highly technical environments.
Troy combined his professional background together with three years of personal Loveship online dating and 10 years of intensive research to define the Loveship paradigm, Loveship Dating System, the Bloved Dating website, and the Theory of Loveitivity. His clients have labeled him The Einstein of Love.
Judy is a CEO, innovator, patent holder, and successful entrepreneur. Judy not only co-wrote The Mirror Effect, she was also the agent provocateur behind codifying the 6 Steps to Finding Your Loveship.
A graduate of the Hendricks Institute, Judy is a savant and intuitive in the areas of personality and human characteristics, both of which are at the center of her creating and instituting the Bloved Profile and profile courses.
Together, Troy and Judy started Bloved to help singles find the same incredible type of love they naturally share.
The Bloved Way
Let’s start with the facts. Only about 3% of marriages truly thrive. There is a divorce every 30 seconds, nearly 1 million divorces yearly. Divorce costs couples over $100B per year. Destroyed families. Destroyed lives. Destroyed futures. Shattered dreams.
Every one of these realities started with a first date that brought together two people who were wrong for each other.
How do we change this so that every part is not only better, but perfectly right?
If we are to change such horrendous outcomes, then we cannot continue to do things the way we are doing them now. Everything must change … radically.
And it all starts with dating.
Dating must bring together two people who are phenomenally right for each other. They must naturally and effortless fit together – like they were made for each other. Their connection must be deep, wide, and utterly seamless – so much so that they naturally get each other on every level and in every way.
This is way more than a relationship. We call it a Loveship.
The Loveship Dating System shows singles how to find their Loveship.
The system starts by showing you the exact description of who shares a Loveship with you, and then helps you turn that description into a Loveship Dating Profile.
The system then shows you how to quickly separate those special people from the rest of the crowd and get them to a first date … but that’s just the beginning.
The system then shows you how to measure the Loveship connection so that you are 100% sure that you’ve found a Loveship instead of just another typical relationship.
Bringing two people together who are naturally meant for each other feels very different than a relationship. Your Loveship will be easy, completely effortless, fun, fulfilling, and so natural that it feels like you were born to be together. Your connection will not require work to keep it alive. Your love will be as strong on day one as it is decades later — it must not change or fade.
The Loveship Dating System represents the first real change in thinking about dating and relationships in more than 50 years.
We are deeply committed to helping singles find Loveships. We believe that Loveships are love the way love was meant to be, and that when couples are deeply, truly happy, the world becomes a better place.
They were blown away! Even though both had previous experience with love, they knew this love was very different – easy, totally fulfilling, deep, and extraordinarily connected. This was love way beyond the norm. It was love on the next level.
And it’s stayed that way every day they’ve been together.
Troy spent his career in Silicon Valley as an innovator, inventor, patent holder, educator and consultant with a deep expertice in pattern recognition, conceiving systems, and creative problem solving within highly technical environments.
Troy combined his professional background together with three years of personal Loveship online dating and 10 years of intensive research to define the Loveship paradigm, Loveship Dating System, the Bloved Dating website, and the Theory of Loveitivity. His clients have labeled him The Einstein of Love.
Judy is a CEO, innovator, patent holder, and successful entrepreneur. Judy not only co-wrote The Mirror Effect, she was also the agent provocateur behind codifying the 6 Steps to Finding Your Loveship.
A graduate of the Hendricks Institute, Judy is a savant and intuitive in the areas of personality and human characteristics, both of which are at the center of her creating and instituting the Bloved Profile and profile courses.
Together, Troy and Judy started Bloved to help singles find the same incredible type of love they naturally share.
If we are to change such horrendous outcomes, then we cannot continue to do things the way we are doing them now. Everything must change … radically.
And it all starts with dating.
Dating must bring together two people who are phenomenally right for each other. They must naturally and effortless fit together – like they were made for each other. Their connection must be deep, wide, and utterly seamless – so much so that they naturally get each other on every level and in every way.
This is way more than a relationship. We call it a Loveship.
The Loveship Dating System shows singles how to find their Loveship.
The system starts by showing you the exact description of who shares a Loveship with you, and then helps you turn that description into a Loveship Dating Profile.
The system then shows you how to quickly separate those special people from the rest of the crowd and get them to a first date … but that’s just the beginning.
The system then shows you how to measure the Loveship connection so that you are 100% sure that you’ve found a Loveship instead of just another typical relationship.
Bringing two people together who are naturally meant for each other feels very different than a relationship. Your Loveship will be easy, completely effortless, fun, fulfilling, and so natural that it feels like you were born to be together. Your connection will not require work to keep it alive. Your love will be as strong on day one as it is decades later — it must not change or fade.
The Loveship Dating System represents the first real change in thinking about dating and relationships in more than 50 years.
We are deeply committed to helping singles find Loveships. We believe that Loveships are love the way love was meant to be, and that when couples are deeply, truly happy, the world becomes a better place.