Can you guess how much has been spent on bad dates so far this year?

National Bad Date Clock
$ 14,921,796,982,923
(spent on bad dates since January 1, 2018)
How much have you wasted on bad dates?
Daters spend $28 BILLION each year on dating yet the vast majority don’t find what their hearts so deeply desire. Why? Because the way they learned to date doesn’t work — it only leads to failed date after failed date.
How can any amount of money work when dating itself is the thing that’s broken?
What you need is a different approach to dating: One that is designed to actually work!
Daters spend $28 BILLION each year on dating yet the vast majority don’t find what their hearts so deeply desire.
Because the way they learned to date doesn’t work — it only leads to failed date after failed date.
How can any amount of money work when dating itself is the thing that’s broken?
What you need is a different approach to dating: One that is designed to actually work!
Find extraordinary love!
Discover why your dating is failing and the one revolutionary concept for finding a love so extraordinary that it will shatter everything you’ve ever experienced in dating.
Discover why your dating is failing and the one revolutionary concept for finding a love so extraordinary that it will shatter everything you’ve ever experienced in dating.
What if everything you know about dating is wrong?
Think about it: If everything you know about dating is right, then you — and everyone else — would have already found love!
- In the video seminar, you’ll discover that the things you know about dating are the very things that keep you — and everyone else — failing.
- You’ll learn the one item that is critical to finding a Loveship — the next step beyond relationships.
- Once you get all that under your belt, the video will introduce the set of dating steps that lead not just to finding love, but to someone who is naturally meant for you — epic love.
About Us
Troy and Judy walked into a restaurant and, somewhere between the wine and desert, they discovered that they already knew each other deeply, like two old friends that had never met before.
Their connection was clear and deep – so much so that Judy knew she was going to marry Troy, even though, at 48 years-old, she had never considered marrying anyone before!
That’s what happens when you meet someone who is naturally meant for you.
You see, true love isn’t built through time and effort and skills and compromise. True love is found…and when you find it, you’ll never have to work at love again.
Troy and Judy, together with Team Bloved, put singles on a path to finding Loveships — the next step beyond relatioships. Loveships are a unique type of togetherness which are uncommonly easy, uber harmonious, and profoundly connected.

About Us
Troy and Judy walked into a restaurant and, somewhere between the wine and desert, they discovered that they already knew each other deeply, like two old friends that had never met before.
Their connection was clear and deep – so much so that Judy knew she was going to marry Troy, even though, at 48 years-old, she had never considered marrying anyone before!
That’s what happens when you meet someone who is naturally meant for you.
You see, true love isn’t built through time and effort and skills and compromise. True love is found…and when you find it, you’ll never have to work at love again.
Troy and Judy, together with Team Bloved, put singles on a path to finding Loveships — the next step beyond relatioships. Loveships are a unique type of togetherness which are uncommonly easy, uber harmonious, and profoundly connected.
Some of Our Work
Our published paperback book, The Mirror Effect: More Than Soul Mates, is an excellent companion to the Dating for True Love System.
The Mirror Effect is both the story and system that Troy used to find Judy, and the forms the foundation of the DTLS and the 6 Steps to Finding Your Loveship.
The Dating for True Love System (DTLS) is the program for finding Loveships – the next step beyond relationships. This first-of-its-kind program shows daters how to find those who are naturally meant for them.
The DTLS gives singles a no-nonesense, revolutionary system for finding a love so extraoardinary and connected that it will shatter everything you think is possible with love.
You can do it!
Don’t give up! This video will show you the hidden reasons why dating has been so impossible and how to change your dating to find what your heart has been wanting and waiting for.