vs Loveships
Trying to explain what it’s like to have a Loveship is a bit like an astronaut trying to explain what it’s like to be in space — words just don’t do it justice.
Check out the comparison list we put together which will give you a sense of the vast difference between a relationship and Loveship.
vs Loveship
Trying to explain what it’s like to have a Loveship is a bit like an astronaut trying to explain what it’s like to be in space — words just don’t do it justice.
Check out the comparison list we put together which will give you a sense of the vast difference between a relationship and Loveship.
Mixed Alignment

A relationship is a mixture of high and low alignments. As a result, relationships are a little bit of everything: love and strife, ease and effort, ups and downs.

The signature of a Loveship is incredible alignment. Extraordinarily high alignment produces profound love and connection without the downsides.
A relationship is a mixture of high and low alignments. As a result, relationships are a little bit of everything: love and strife, ease and effort, ups and downs.
The signature of a Loveship is incredible alignment. Extraordinarily high alignment produces profound love and connection without the downsides.
Incredibly Easy
Relationships are a frequently difficult and disheartening.
Loveships have a remarkable absence of strife and difficulties. It’s super harmonious and fulfilling 99% of the time.
Built Over Time
With a relationship, love and connection are built slowly over time.
With Loveships, the connection is pre-existing; the connection exists between the couple before they meet.
Partially Connected
Epic Connection
Relationships are rarely profoundly connected. The connection between the couple tends to unevenly ebb and flow.
Loveships are pretty much seamlessly connected at all times. You are so connected that it feels like you were made for each other.
Daily Effort
The relationship connection requires strategies, psychology, and tools in order to maintain — you need to make a little effort every day.
A Loveship connection takes no effort or maintenance. It’s as if your incredible alignment perpetually energizes your connection.
Needs Bridges
No Bridges
In a relationship, you don’t always see eye-to-eye. As a result, relationships require the partners to build bridges of understanding between each other.
Not seeing eye-to-eye in a Loveship is so rare that it stands out like a sore thumb when it happens. The Loveship alignment means that the couple naturally stands on the same side of the river. There is no need to build bridges.
In a relationship, you are mindful of what you say, how you say it, what you do, and how you do it. You avoid conflict, if at all possible. Happy wife, happy life becomes a mantra.
With Loveships, you never have to think about whether what you are about to say or do will have negative consequences. You just get to be yourself … completely. Instead of conflict, you have 99% harmony.
Relationships eventually settle into a way of daily living with another person. You get along okay, but your partner is not the best friend you could ever imagine having. Some days you wonder if you are with the right person for you.
Loveships have a quality of daily love and connection beyond any other experience. Loveship couples are always holding hands and loving each other even years after the first date. It feels like you are with your very best friend in the world. Every day you wake up knowing that you are with the perfect person for you.
Hollow Love
Deep Love
With relationships, deep love takes months or years to happen. Frequently, truly profound soulful love never occurs.
Because the Loveship alignment exists between two people before they meet, profound connection and love forms at impossible speeds, usually between a few hours and a few dates.
Unmet Needs
Needs Fulfilled
In a relationship, you’re always having to tell your partner what you need and want in love.
In a Loveship, you naturally are loved exactly the way you want and need in all ways.
Fully Understood
With a relationship, you feel like your partner never completely understands who you are.
With a Loveship, you feel understood in places you thought no one would ever understand you.
Relationships take blood, sweat and tears.
Loveships are supremely peaceful, fun and easy.
Needs Tools & Skills
Love w/o Tools

These tools and skills are highly valued in relationships. They are used to mitigate the difficulties and discord caused by the misalignments.

In a mind-blowing twist, the typical tools and skills are completely unnecessary in a Loveship. Natural alignment and affinity means that you never need the tools.
These tools and skills are highly valued in relationships. They are used to mitigate the difficulties and discord caused by the misalignments.
In a mind-blowing twist, the typical tools and skills are completely unnecessary in a Loveship. Natural alignment and affinity means that you never need the tools.
Needs Tools & Skills
Love w/o Tools

Consciousness tools and enlightenment are highly valued in relationships. They are used to mitigate the difficulties and discord caused by the misalignments.

In a mind-blowing twist, an enlightened approach is unnecessary in a Loveship. A Loveship alignment yields naturally flowing love, understanding and harmony.
Consciousness tools and skills are highly valued in relationships. They are used to mitigate the difficulties and discord caused by the misalignments.
In a mind-blowing twist, an enlightened approach is unnecessary in a Loveship. A Loveship alignment yields naturally flowing love, understanding and harmony.