The Loveship Calculators
If you want to find the last love you’ll ever need, these are the only tools for doing it!
Built on the groundbreaking Theory of Loveitivity™, the Loveship® Calculators are the most powerful tools ever created to help you find a love that is extraordinary, unfading and easy.

The Loveship Calculators
It's time for your dating to start working!
If you want to find the last love you’ll ever need, these are the tools for doing it!
Built on the groundbreaking Theory of Loveitivity™, the Loveship Calculators are the most powerful tools ever created to help you find a love that is extraordinary, unfading and easy.
Five Calculators. One Mission.
Can a set of tools really help you find the last love you’ll ever need?
These five calculators are designed to help you get the red out of your dating.
They work together to measure every aspect of your dating, letting you see what’s getting in your way, so you can kick it to the curb!
These calculators will give you the insights to avoid the wrong people, see the right people, and find your Loveship — the last love you’ll ever need.
Dating Formula Calculator
Am I programmed to find RELATIONSHIPS
or LOVE?
Profile Calculator
Does my profile have the right stuff?
It’s takes a perfect profile to find a perfect fit. Does your profile
have what it takes?
Date Gate Calculator
Should we go on a first date?
Run before every first date to know whether the date is likely to be awesome or terrible.
The Date Calculator
Have I met my Loveship?
Run this calculator after every date to measure and know if this is the last love you’ll ever need.
Past Relationship Calculator
What REALLY went wrong?
Don’t repeat the same mistakes! This calculator shows it all in a way you never seen it before.
Five Calculators. One Mission.
Can a set of tools really help you find the last love you’ll ever need?
These five calculators are designed to help you get the red out of your dating.
They work together to measure every aspect of your dating, letting you see what’s getting in your way, so you can kick it to the curb!
These calculators will give you the insights to avoid the wrong people, see the right people, and find your Loveship — the last love you’ll ever need.
Dating Formula Calculator
Am I programmed to find RELATIONSHIPS
or LOVE?
Profile Calculator
Does my profile have the right stuff?
It’s takes a perfect profile to find a perfect fit. Does your profile
have what it takes?
Date Gate Calculator
Should we go on a first date?
Run before every first date to know whether the date is likely to be awesome or terrible.
The Date Calculator
Have I met my Loveship?
Run this calculator after every date to measure and know if this is the last love you’ll ever need.
Past Relationship Calculator
What REALLY went wrong?
Don’t repeat the same mistakes! This calculator shows it all in a way you never seen it before.


Find extraordinary LOVE!
The five calculators work together to help you identify the people who are perfect fits for you.
You’ll stop finding so-so fits and start finding extraordinary perfect-fit LOVE!

Know BEFORE You Go
Measure how much you fit before you get to the first date, so you eliminate wrong-fits before you meet them!
Eliminates awkwardness, lack of connection and rejection before it happens!

Dates on a different level
By eliminating the wrong-fits, you’ll be meeting only those people who are incredible perfect fits for you.
Your dates reach a mind-blowingly different level. It’s like 1+1=20. Fun, uber connected, happy, meaningful, relaxing, and easy.

Save Time, Money and Your Feelings
You’ll save a bunch of time, money and your heart by avoiding people you should have never been meeting or dating in the first place!

Know that it will LAST!
Divorces are expensive! You can lose large amounts of money and decades of your life.
These tools will show you whether the love will last for months, years, decades or a lifetime.

LIVE Coaching
Included with your subscription is LIVE Coaching with the world’s leading authorities on how to date to find Loveships.
How It Works
The Loveship Calculators are powered by the Theory of Loveitivity™.
The Theory of Loveitivity™ is a groundbreaking formula for finding perfect fits, measuring the amount of love between any two people, and predicting what that love will do in the future.
The formula measures the alignment between two people and quantifies the amount of green and red in their alignment, be it before the first date, after the first date, or on any date thereafter.
From there, it calculates the future amounts of love and friction, and, based upon those calculations, determines how good or bad a relationship would be. Ultimately, the calculator reveals how long the relationship would last.
The Theory of Loveitivity is the culmination of 13 years of research, $2m in investment, and more than 25,000 man-hours of investigation towards giving singles the power to accurately find and choose the perfect fit for them — a lasting love that will never fade.

How It Works
The Loveship Calculators are powered by the Theory of Loveitivity™.
The Theory of Loveitivity™ is a groundbreaking formula for finding perfect fits, measuring the amount of love between any two people, and predicting what that love will do in the future.
The formula measures the alignment between two people and quantifies the amount of green and red in their alignment, be it before the first date, after the first date, or on any date thereafter.
From there, it calculates the future amounts of love and friction, and, based upon those calculations, determines how good or bad a relationship would be. Ultimately, the calculator reveals how long the relationship would last.
The Theory of Loveitivity is the culmination of 13 years of research, $2m in investment, and more than 25,000 man-hours of investigation towards giving singles the power to accurately find and choose the perfect fit for them — a lasting love that will never fade.
The Features

Each Loveship Calculator serves a specific purpose, all the way from checking your profile to revealing how happy you’d be in the future.
Below are just a few of the features you’ll get with the calculators.

The Love Map Chart – Who are your perfect fits?
This chart reveals where you are aligned. It shows you what you share, where you see eye-to-eye, and where you’re on the same page.
If this chart was a gas gauge, it would show you what you have in the tank together and how much of it there is.

The Red Zones Chart – Who isn’t a perfect fit for you!
This is the most important chart in the calculator. This chart reveals your misalignments, the places where you don’t see eye-to-eye.
This chart uncovers the hidden, overlooked part of dating, showing what causes love to fade and die.
We say “Red is Dead.”

The Connection Chart – Is your connection completely full?
Ever wonder if your connection is as good as you think it is?
This charts shows you what you have together (blue) and what you don’t have together (green).
Think of the blue area like a wheel. When the chart is full and round, your love will roll along smoothly, awesomely, and effortlessly. Keeps you from investing in another chunky, difficult love.

The Love Lines Chart – How long will the love will last?
Based on the two charts above, the Theory of Loveitivity™ calculates how long any love will last.
The future levels of love and friction are calculated and graphed so that you can see what will happen to any relationship in the future.
For the first time in the history of dating, we can predict what will happen in a relationship before making a commitment to it.
Warning: If the lines cross, all is lost!

The ClearView Chart – Just how must effort and difficulties were there in your past relationships?
This chart helps you see clearly by quantifying how unfelt, unseen, and unheard you were in your past relationships, so that NEVER happens again!
This charts quantifies the hidden amount of time per hour you spent feeling unmet and disappointed.
Again: Red is Dead!

The Happiness Forecast Chart reveals your level of future happiness together.
The calculator calculates your Happiness/Love Index.
It then compares your results to the maximum amount of happiness and love you’d get if you had a Loveship.
The maximum Happiness/Love Index is 10,101.
You’ll be surprised by what you learn about love and happiness when you see this chart!
What it will do for you…
What it will
do for you
These tools will get the red out of your dating.
If you heed the results the calculators give you, these are the transformations you’ll experience.

Eliminate the wrong people for you before the first date.

Meet only the perfect fit people for you.

Reveal if someone is a fit and how much of a fit they are for you.

Shows you which person to pick. Ensures that your next long-term relationship is the last love you’ll ever need.

Gives you information and deep insights that we’ll use to help you during coaching calls.
Success in dating is not about how easily you can get dates. Success is not about having better dates. It’s not even about finding someone you can fall in love with.
Success in dating is finding the person with whom you share a love so incredible that you’ll both never want to let go.
These calculators will give you a level of clarity in dating you’ve never had before, thus shifting your dating towards your ultimate success: Finding your Loveship.

These calculator features are the most advanced, most powerful tools that have ever been created for finding extraordinary, unfading love.
These are the exact same tools that we give our Loveship Dating Program clients.
$97.00 Annual Plan
A full year’s access to all 5 Loveship Calculators, plus LIVE Coaching, for a single $97.00 charge, a 45% savings over the monthly plan.
$14.97 Monthly Plan
Monthly access to all 5 Loveship Calculators, plus LIVE Coaching, for $14.97 per month.
Frequently asked questions about DTLS
Frequently Asked Questions
Question 1
Why is this so cheap? It can’t possibly be worth anything if it costs so little, right?
Certainly, it’s easy to think that.
Here’s the deal about the price.
Based solely on the Date Gate Calculator (calculator #3), we could easily charge $25 or $30 per month as the savings from not going on bad dates would more than cover the subscription cost.
So, clearly, money is not our mission.
Our mission is to help singles find Loveships, not relationships.
When people find Loveships, they are exponentially happier inside. They greet the world differently because of the extraordinary love that is generated by their Loveship. Their life changes because they are genuinely fulfilled. And, most important, they (rarely) divorce.
We know that not everyone can afford to get into our program, so this our way of helping every dater to find their Loveship — the last love they’ll ever need.
These are the exact same calculators we give to our Loveship Dating Program clients.
We’re in this to help every dater we can.
Let the Lovalution begin!
Question 2
Why should I be using these tools?
Ask yourself this question: Do I want to be having first dates when I’m 70 years old?
You need a love that will do more than last; you need a love that won’t ever fade.
To do that, you need a perfect fit … and these tools will help ensure that you find a perfect fit for you.
The calculators will get rid of your bad dates, aim you towards way better dates, and help your separate relationships from Loveship so that you know it will last.
These calculators are how you make sure that you’re finding the right people so you won’t be dating at 70!
Question 3
When are the coaching calls?
They are several times a month. We vary the days and times of the coaching calls so that everyone has a chance to attend.
You’ll receive your invite via email.
We take care of our Lovalutionaries. That’s a promise!
Question 4
Will the tools really save me money?
Yes … and way more!
Each year, only 1 in 9 daters find someone they will eventually marry. (just 11%)
At the same time, daters spend $28B annually on dating — that’s $77 million a day or $54k per minute of every day.
So, 89% of the money which is expended on dating is spent in vain!
Even worse, 100% of the money that you’ve ever expended on dating has ultimately been spent in vain!
Just think about how much money you’d save if you eliminated all of your dating that goes nowhere!
Not bad return for a $1 investment, eh?
Really, though, it’s more than the money.
At the end of the day, your resources are limited. You only have so much time on this planet, money in your wallet, and life energy to expend.
The calculators will show you how to stop investing your resources on the wrong people for you.
With this set of tools, you’ll invest your most valuable resources on a love that will provide a return beyond your wildest dreams.
Question 5
What will the calculators really reveal stuff that I don’t already know?
We consistently find that our Lovalutionary clients are astounded when they start using the calculators.
They discover the hidden root causes of their awkward, lack-of-connection dates.
They realize why the love starts off good, but doesn’t last.
They can see, in actual charts and graphs, the past mistakes that were completely hidden from them.
And they get a compass which unfailingly points them towards finding a Loveship.
Indeed, the calculators provide a rare view of what’s hiding behind dating’s curtain.
No dater should be dating without having these tools in their pocket.
$97.00 Annual Plan
A full year’s access to all 5 Loveship Calculators, plus LIVE Coaching, for a single $97.00 charge, a 45% savings over the monthly plan.
$14.97 Monthly Plan
Monthly access to all 5 Loveship Calculators, plus LIVE Coaching, for $14.97 per month.