einstein of love

revolutionary. uncomplicated. powerful

How Can I Be Sure That I Will Find a THRIVING, LASTING Relationship? 

(How not to be one of the 97.5% of daters who fail to find thriving love)

How do I find a thriving, awesome relationship?


Quick Answer: Make sure the sole aim and goal of your dating is to find a thriving, awesome relationship.

Summary: You’re probably saying, well ya, duh, that’s what I’m doing … but you’re not. If you were, you would have found it by now.

Your dating knowledge, philosophy, and actions determine who you find … and who you find determines whether you’ll having a thriving love.

So, if you want to find an incredible relationship, the question you should be asking is:

Does my knowledge, philosophy and actions – does the way I date – have any chance of finding the right person for a thriving love?  

Here’s the answer. Revolutionary. Uncomplicated. Powerful.

Let’s Start at the Beginning


Superior dating = thriving relationship

The dating process – the concepts, ideals, notions, science, steps, and advice – are what guide you in finding potential partners.

If the process brings the perfectly right people together, they end up with an awesome love.

If the process brings the wrong people together, they end up with trouble.

Essentially, how you date = the quality of your long-term relationship.

How You Date Now


The quality of today's dating process

There are 2 million marriages and nearly 1 million divorces per year in the US.

So, right off the bat, half of the couples who get married using today’s dating process do not end up with thriving relationships.

That speaks volumes about modern dating’s ability to find thriving love.

But that’s not the whole story…

Those Who Don’t Get Divorced


The hidden part of the picture...

Of the remaining 1 million couples who don’t divorce, how many are truly happy with each other?

How many married people wake up every day knowing that they are with the perfect person for them — they have the same amazing spark of love and happiness they had when they first met?

When we ask this question at our True Love System Seminars, the figure we get most frequently is 5%, meaning 95% — 950,000 —  of the remaining marriages fail to thrive.

The Hidden Dating Disaster


Seeing the full picture

Add the 950,000 non-thriving couples to the 1,000,000 divorced couples and the full picture comes into focus:

Of the 2 million marriages this year, 1.95 million of them will not thrive.

That’s a 97.5% failure rate!

The Lovalutionary Insight


Will your dating find a thriving love?

No way! At least not if you continue to date the way you are now!

The numbers are crystal clear: You have a better chance at getting a selfie with Sasquatch than you do at finding a thriving love using today’s dating.

Today’s dating process does not lead to finding thriving love. Period.

Don’t Ask Them!


The experts are as lost as you are...

The best minds in relationship science and psychology have been attempting to fix this problem for more than 50 years, yet the non-thriving relationship percentage has remained unchanged at 97.5%.


The Einstein Solution


Change the dating process entirely

Does a 97.5% failure rate point to a problem that can be solved with expert advice, dating tips, and relationship science, or does that number say that there is a fundamental problem at the heart of modern dating?

You don’t need more dating books or relationship advice; you need a different teacher who can show you a different way to date.


Write This Down



What You Need to Do to Find Thriving Love


Now you can see why you haven’t found the love you are looking for (yet!) … and there’s reason to have hope!

You can absolutely find thriving love if you use a dating process that’s designed specifically to find thriving love. It’s that simple.

Begin the path to finding your Loveship by doing three things:

  1. Stop using the dating process you are using now.

    The prevailing dating ideals, concepts, advice, tools, tips, methodologies, and science don’t work for finding thriving, unfading love.



  2. Think about the process of dating differently.


    Today, dating is more an experiment than a true step-by-step process.

    You don’t date knowing precisely who you are looking for, so dating becomes an experiment in testing each person to see if you can fall in love with each other.

    The problem is that 2 million people a year fall in love, but 1.95 million fall in love with the wrong person! 

    Instead of experimenting, you must begin your search already knowing the exact description and traits of those who are meant for you.

    Already knowing before you start dating will allow you to use a step-by step plan that is designed specifically to find only those people.


  3. If your dating falls short and ends up not finding the perfect right person, don’t think you’re going to fix it later.


    Don’t think you are going to fix it in the future or that it will get better with time and effort. If there are difficulties during dating, then there will be difficulties later in the relationship. This is an absolute certainty.  

einstein of love

revolutionary. uncomplicated. powerful

How Can I Be Sure That I Will Find a THRIVING, LASTING Relationship?

(How not to be one of the 97.5% of daters who fail to find thriving love)

How do I find a thriving, awesome relationship?

Quick Answer: Make sure the sole aim and goal of your dating is to find a thriving, awesome relationship.

Summary: You’re probably saying, well ya, duh, that’s what I’m doing … but you’re not.

If you were, you would have found it by now.

Your dating knowledge, philosophy, and actions determine who you find … and who you find determines whether you’ll having a thriving love.

So, if you want to find an incredible relationship, the question you should asking is:

Does my knowledge, philosophy, and actions – does the way I date – have any chance of finding the right person for a thriving love?  

Here’s the answer. Revolutionary. Uncomplicated. Powerful.

Superior dating = thriving relationship

The dating process – the concepts, ideals, notions, science, steps, and advice – are what guide you in finding potential partners.

If the process brings the perfectly right people together, they end up with an awesome love.

If the process brings the wrong people together, they end up with trouble.

Essentially, how you date = the quality of your long-term relationship.

The quality of today's dating process

There are 2 million marriages and nearly 1 million divorces per year in the US.

So, right off the bat, half of the couples who get married using today’s dating process do not end up with thriving relationships.

That speaks volumes about modern dating’s ability to find thriving love.

But that’s not the whole story…

The hidden part of the picture...

Of the remaining 1 million couples who don’t divorce, how many are truly happy with each other?

How many married people wake up every day knowing that they are with the perfect person for them — they have the same amazing spark of love and happiness they had when they first met?

When we ask this question at our True Love System Seminars, the figure we get most frequently is 5%, meaning 95% — 950,000 —  of the remaining marriages fail to thrive.

Seeing the full picture

Add the 950,000 non-thriving couples to the 1,000,000 divorced couples and the full picture comes into focus:

Of the 2 million marriages this year, 1.95 million of them will not thrive.

That’s a 97.5% failure rate!

The love starts to fade...

The difficulties didn’t evaporate at the altar.

Instead, they followed you over the threshold like a termite swarm – and your long-term relationship was their new favorite long-term buffet.

Those pesty little difficulties infested your relationship, constantly nibbling away at the love you worked so hard to find.

Eventually, you got tired of tolerating the difficulties, and the relationship died.

Will your dating find a thriving love?

No way! At least not if you continue to date the way you are now!

The numbers are crystal clear: You have a better chance at getting a selfie with Sasquatch than you do at finding a thriving love using today’s dating.

Today’s dating process does not lead to finding thriving love. Period.

Don't ask the experts!

They are as lost as you are…

The best minds in relationship science and psychology have been attempting to fix this problem for more than 50 years, yet the non-thriving relationship percentage has remained unchanged at 97.5%.

The solution to this problem is to change your entire dating process

Does a 97.5% failure rate point to a problem that can be solved with expert advice, dating tips, and relationship science, or does that number say that there is a fundamental problem at the heart of modern dating?


You don’t need more dating books or relationship advice; you need a different teacher who can show you a different way to date.


What You Need to Do to Find Your Loveship

Now you can see why you haven’t found the love you are looking for (yet!) … and there’s reason to have hope!

You can absolutely find thriving love if you use a dating process that’s designed specifically to find thriving love.


It’s really that simple.

Begin the path to finding your Loveship by doing three things.

Write these down:

  1. Stop using the dating process you are using now.

    The prevailing dating ideals, concepts, advice, tools, tips, methodologies, and science don’t work for finding thriving, unfading love.


  2. Think about the process of dating differently.


    Today, dating is more an experiment than a true step-by-step process.

    You don’t date knowing precisely who you are looking for, so dating becomes an experiment in testing each person to see if you can fall in love with each other.

    The problem is that 2 million people a year fall in love, but 1.95 million fall in love with the wrong person! 

    Instead of experimenting, you must begin your search already knowing the exact description and traits of those who are meant for you.

    Already knowing before you start dating will allow you to use a step-by-step plan which is designed specifically to find only those people.


  3. If your dating falls short and ends up not finding the perfectly right person, don’t think you’re going to fix it later.

Don’t think you are going to fix it in the future or that it will get better with time and effort. If there are difficulties during dating, then there will be difficulties later in the relationship.

This is an absolute certainty.


einstein of love

revolutionary. uncomplicated. powerful.

Einstein of Love is a special feature of BlovedTalks.

These articles cut through the clutter to deliver revolutionary, uncomplicated, and powerful answers to dating and relationship’s most intractable problems.

Through these articles and other works, Troy and Judy, together with Team Bloved, put singles on a path to finding Loveships — the next step beyond relationships. Loveships are a unique type of togetherness which are uncommonly easy, uber harmonious, and profoundly connected. 

The Dating for True Love System rebuilds dating and relationships from the ground up and leads daters step-by-step to finding a Loveship of their own  — the natural, unfading, life-fulfilling love that singles are looking for today.

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Finding love — choosing who to love — is one of the most important decisions you will make in your life. It’s a choice which affects your life every day.

And yet, even in the face of that uncontestable fact, singles know so little about where love comes from and how to find it. Even worse, the common wisdom that they are implored to follow rarely leads to finding someone with whom they will have lasting love and true happiness.

Every new age that dawns begins with a radical change, and so it’s the same today with love.

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A Radically Different Approach to Finding Love